JsonReader Documentation#

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SOFA plugin adding the ability to read SOFA scenes written in the json format


runSofa -l JsonReader path/to/scene.json


Examples are provided in the scenes folder. A SOFA scene written in json looks like:

  "Node": {
    "name": "root",
    "dt": "0.02",
    "gravity": "0 -10 0",
    "printLog": "true",
    "Node": {
      "name": "plugins",
    "VisualStyle": { "displayFlags": "showBehaviorModels showForceFields" },
    "DefaultAnimationLoop": { "name": "animationLoop" },
    "DefaultVisualManagerLoop": { "name": "visualLoop" },
    "EulerImplicitSolver": {
      "name": "odesolver",
      "rayleighStiffness": "0.1",
      "rayleighMass": "0.1"
    "MechanicalObject": { "name": "DoFs" },
    "UniformMass": {
      "name": "mass",
      "totalMass": "320"
    "RegularGridTopology": {
      "name": "grid",
      "nx": "4",
      "ny": "4",
      "nz": "20",
      "xmin": "9",
      "xmax": "6",
      "ymin": "0",
      "ymax": "3",
      "zmin": "0",
      "zmax": "19"
    "BoxROI": {
      "name": "box",
      "box": "10 -1 -0.0001  -5 4 0.0001"
    "FixedConstraint": { "indices": "@box.indices" },
    "EigenSimplicialLDLT": {
      "template": "CompressedRowSparseMatrixMat3x3d",
      "ordering": "Natural"
    "HexahedronFEMForceField": {
      "name": "FEM",
      "youngModulus": "4000",
      "poissonRatio": "0.3",
      "method": "large"


See documentation on the SOFA website to compile an external plugin: https://www.sofa-framework.org/community/doc/plugins/build-a-plugin-from-sources/

Dependencies: only SOFA is a dependency